May 26Liked by Coffee With Keats

I'm glad that when I "rose up at dawn" today, your newsletter was the first thing I read. Thank you for this!

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Glad you enjoyed!

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As I learned my mind was not always my friend, I learned that unless I give it a bone to chew on, it will chew on me.

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May 26Liked by Coffee With Keats

"O there is nothing like fine weather, and health, and Books, and a fine country, and a contented Mind, and Diligent-habit of reading and thinking, and an amulet against the ennui." I just love this quote. Need to read all his work.

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Jun 7Liked by Coffee With Keats

I love how in-depth your writing is and how you bring together all these different writers! Keats’s letters in particular are some of my favorite writings—they’re just so full of insightful observations and little moments of whimsy & imagination. Have been feeling a little bit of ennui myself lately, so this was much needed 😊

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Thank you! I’m glad it helped in some way :)

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May 26Liked by Coffee With Keats

Very poignant, I think as an artist it is especially tempting to fall prey to the inner recesses of the mind and to linger there proves so incredibly draining. This bring to mind bilbo's line of feeling as butter scraped over too much bread. I think tolkien was speaking to this sentiment as well in Bilbo's necessity for an "adventure".

As ever, that you for such lovely words!

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May 30Liked by Coffee With Keats

Ah ennui, one of my 2 favourite words (the other being apathy). Lovely post

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May 29Liked by Coffee With Keats

I wonder if ennui isn't, in part, physiological. I think that most people have, in various degrees, an energy to do, to build, to create. If this need is frustrated the body responds with sensations that the mind calls "ennui". I know that after a day of reading or learning or watching TV I become antsy and lazy and depressed. I don't feel this when I spend a day writing or walking or gardening. I wonder about well-to-do folks who complain of boredom and ennui. I wonder about prisoners whose ability to make and do are sharply circumscribed. I think we, as a species, need to engage with the world outside ourselves so as not to have our drive chains spin wildly.

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Very good, rise, shine, go forth and do some good somewhere.

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May 27Liked by Coffee With Keats

This is everything I needed to read today. I’m inspired to keep up the good fight. Thank you. :)

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May 26Liked by Coffee With Keats

Quite wonderful. Keep going🦋

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May 26Liked by Coffee With Keats

This was a balm to the mind today. I have jumped over from Instagram, where your poetry thoughts and images have brought beauty and rest to a most troubled year.

I humbly thank you.

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Thanks for being here :)

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"Having two or three sensible people to chat with, two or three spiteful folks to spar with and two or three numbskulls to argue with". Brilliant.

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May 26Liked by Coffee With Keats

Excellent essay. Thank you very much.

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A wonderful read right in the morning! Even I look for solutions to deal with idle machinations of the mind. There's a saying in Hindi that I could never wrap my head around (I'm translating it here)- "An idle mind is a devil's workshop." I was always like how? why?

But your article contextualises it for me. Now I get it. Finding the greatest writers and thinkers in history dealing with the same problems as me helps a lot, not going to lie. Quite cathartic. This was a great read.

P.S. I also happened to cover some of Montaigne's thoughts on my publication. Do check it out if you can!

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Well spoken guidance, thank you for weaving it together. I especially felt "if you are everywhere you are nowhere", currently feeling the clamber of too many interests. Glad to hear more on that if it percolates!

+ Where does the fisherman in moonlight image come from?

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