I studied the works of C.S. Lewis under Dr. Kreeft at Boston College—brilliant man and a riot in the classroom. Lewis too has some stirring passages about the sea, particularly in the closing pages of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

A worthy subject!

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How amazing that must have been to study under Kreeft!

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May 25Liked by Coffee With Keats

I have had the good fortune to live by the sea for most of be my adult life. This piece of writing evokes many watery prompts; also mention of painter Nasmith. What a wonderful way to begin a day!

Many thanks!!

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Glad you enjoyed, Rebecca! 🖤

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May 9Liked by Coffee With Keats

Tolkien also has a poem called "The Sea Bell" (which is noted as coming from the Red Book under the title "Frodo's Dreme") -- which has the imagery of being swept away by the sea to a timeless Faerie-like place, and returning after many years, where people consider him to be mad. It also reminds me of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and his compulsion to tell his story.

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Thanks for this! How fascinating. Can’t wait to read up on that poem by Tolkien.

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